Australian Lawyers Alliance - 29 June 2012 - The Stronger Futures Legislative Package - Assessment of Non-Compliance With Human Rights
"On the afternoon of 28 June 2012, the Department of FAHCSIA released statements entitled 'Assessment of Policy Objectives with Human Rights' on the three bills known as the 'Stronger Futures bills'. The Australian Lawyers Alliance is a national association of lawyers, academics and other professionals dedicated to the promotion and protection of justice, freedom and the rights of the individual. In light of the Attorney General, Nicola Roxon’s refusal to refer the Stronger Futures bills for human rights review by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights on 28 June 2012, we have drafted our own Statement of Non-Compliance with Human Rights, to indicate a number of rights affected or directly undermined by this legislative package. Our Statement does not purport to be legal advice, but a brief commentary that aims to ventilate the issues that might have been by a Joint Parliamentary Committee. ... "
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Requests for Stronger Futures to be scrutinized
for Human Rights compliance
Take Action
Avaaz - Putting Australia to the human rights test
22 Jun 12: "To Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin
We urge you to allow the Parliamentary Committee on Humans Rights to examine control measures proposed in the the Stronger Futures Bill.
The legislation will impose control over Aboriginal communities in the NT for the next ten years and only by subjecting the measures to the scrutiny of the Parliamentary Committee will you ensure that the Government's policies comply with international human rights standards."
National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples:
Stop & Listen on New NT Laws Campaign update
15 May 12: "Congress opposes the new laws to continue the Intervention in the Northern Territory (the Stronger Futures package).
These bills were introduced to the parliament without beingtested against Australia’s human rights obligations (the Parliamentary Scrutiny (Human Rights) Act 2011), as is now required for all new Australian legislation. ... "
Media Releases, Letters, Statements
David Selden - 18 July 2012 - Letter to Jenny Macklin
"It is noted that the so-called 'Stronger Futures' Legislation was passed by Parliament without any justification. ... you [Ms Macklin] stated that there had been meaningful consultation with Aboriginal communities in the 'prescribed areas' and that the legislation is compliant with domestic and international law. However, you did not provide any details in support of these claims. ..."
For more, see National Indigenous Times, 18 July 12, Issue 273, Vol. 11, page 34 -
Sisters of Saint Joseph - 9 July 2012 - Younger Sisters Voice their Solidarity - Legislate for Independence not Control:
...It is a travesty of human rights in Australia when government legislation causes the most vulnerable people – the First Peoples, to be left with little or no control over their lives, their land, their language, their means of providing for their families and ultimately their future. The lessons learned from the infliction of social control by government and church authorities on missions and reserves are being ignored. The philosophical underpinning of Stronger Futures repeats the mistakes of the past. With Northern Territory Elders and the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples we call on the Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin to allow the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights to examine all control measures proposed in the Stronger Futures Bill....
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ACM Sydney - 29 June 2012 - A sad day for democracy but the fight will continue
"Graeme Mundine, Executive Director of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Sydney Archdiocese, has lamented the Senate’s passing of the Stronger Futures Legislation on Thursday evening. "This is a sad day for all Aboriginal people in Australia and it is a sad day for democracy," Mr Mundine said. ... "We may have lost this battle, but we will continue to seek justice. Even if our domestic law and Parliamentary process fails to protect us Australia has obligations under International Law and is signatory to several human rights conventions. We must hold our Government accountable to those Conventions. We have been fighting for our rights for over 200 years and we will continue to fight for our rights for however long it takes," Mr Mundine concluded."
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National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples - 29 June 2012 - Congress Statement: Passage of the Stronger Futures Bills
"Congress says that even though the laws to continue the Northern Territory Intervention have passed they still should be examined by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. While we are disappointed at the outcome, we will ensure Aboriginal people are aware of the available complaints mechanisms, if needed. ... We will continue consult our members about the next steps and continue to keep Government accountable on delivery of services and funding in the Northern Territory. ..."
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Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney - 29 June 2012 - Aboriginal Heartache as Govt Extends Intervention for 10 more Years
"... Two weeks ago, Geneva-based Dr Olav Fyske Tvelt, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches wrote to Prime Minister Julia Gillard to urge her not to pursue the Government's Interventionist policy. For the second time in as many years he asked her and her Government to ensure all policies affecting Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders comply with international conventions, and in particular the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Labour Organisation's Covenant 169. ..."
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Amnesty International Australia - 29 June 2012 - Stronger Futures puts shame to Australia’s human rights record
"The passing of the Stronger Futures Bills today represents the Government's blatant disregard for its human rights obligations, Amnesty International has said. The organisation has condemned the legislation package passed by the Senate as a failure to meet international human rights standards, and the continued disempowerment of Aboriginal Peoples in the Northern Territory. ... "By not subjecting the Bills to scrutiny under the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, the Government has missed its opportunity to respect the rights of Aboriginal Peoples in the NT, leaving the people who will bear the brunt of these policies under continued Government control for the next decade," said Monica Morgan."
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ANTaR - 29 June 2012 - Stronger Futures defies Aboriginal community aspirations
"The passage of the Stronger Futures bills through Parliament defies the aspirations of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory for more control over their lives and represents a failure of political leadership", said Ms Jacqueline Phillips, National Director of ANTaR."The Government 's refusal to subject the laws to human rights scrutiny shows a lack of respect for Aboriginal communities, their local and national leaders and the United Nations, all of whom have supported calls for human rights scrutiny." ... "Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory have not given their support to this package of measures, which would extend key Intervention measures for a further 10 years." ... "ANTaR is concerned that the passage of the Stronger Futures Bills represents a betrayal of trust. These laws are likely to cause further hurt and suffering in NT communities without delivering promised improvements to health, education or employment."
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Australian Lawyers Alliance - 28 June 2012 - Stronger Futures Policy Requires Human Rights Review
"The Australian Lawyers Alliance is a national association of lawyers, academics and other professionals dedicated to protecting and promoting justice, freedom and the rights of the individual.
We believe that there are 4 key considerations regarding the Stronger Futures legislative package that must be addressed:
1. Consultations were not effective
2. Consultations did not secure consent
3. The validity of special measures must be considered
4. The legislation must be reviewed with human rights standards. ... "
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Catholic Religious Australia - 22 June 2012 - CRA urges for an examination of Stronger Futures legislation's compatibility with human rights
"Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) supports the call of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights to investigate whether the proposed Stronger Futures legislation complies with Australia’s obligation to human rights. The CRA’s justice network on 21 June released the following statement: "Catholic Religious Australia joins with the many other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Church and community groups in asking the Federal Government to listen to and take heed of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights. It is questioning the compatibility of the Stronger Futures Bills with Human Rights." ... "
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Working Group for Aboriginal Rights - 22 June 2012 - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights considers Stronger Futures legislation should face Human Rights scrutiny
" ... The Working Group for Aboriginal Rights condemns the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention and its proposed extension for ten years and expansion into other parts of Australia, through the proposed 'Stronger Futures' legislation. The Working Group for Aboriginal Rights urges the Australian government to fully accept and respect the sovereign rights of Aboriginal Nations and Peoples and to cease their paternalistic actions towards Aboriginal people, who have successfully survived climatic and social change over millennia. Aboriginal people are capable of running their own lives and communities, but it is the lack of self-determination and the governments’ ruthless attempts to assimilate Aboriginal Peoples into 'one Australia', which is really the cause of the perceived 'problem'. ...We urge that there is scrutiny of the Stronger Futures bills in order to bring them in line with the international Human Rights covenants and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples."
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'concerned Australians' - 21 June 2012 - Stronger Futures Requires Scrutiny for Human Rights Protection
"Since there has been increasing concern about this particular legislation it would be foolish of the Minister to make objections. It is an opportunity for Government to have its position scrutinised and put an end to the criticism of organisations, churches and Leading Australian who have called for new thinking and an end to the legislation. ..."
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ACM Sydney - 20 June 2012 - The ACM endorses requests to send Stronger Futures for scrutiny by Parliamentary Human Rights Committee
"The Aboriginal Catholic Ministry, Sydney Archdiocese, congratulates the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights for questioning the compatibility of the Stronger Futures Bills with Human Rights. The Committee was established in March this year to examine legislation to ensure that it is compatible with Human Rights and to report to Parliament. In a statement made to Parliament today, Chair, Harry Jenkins MP said that the Human Rights Committee has received a written request from the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples to examine the Stronger Futures Bills. ..."
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Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights - 20 June 2012 - Chair's Statement to the House of Representatives
"On behalf of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights I supply the House with a report on the committee's action. Members will recall that the committee is established under the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 and was appointed in March this year.
The committee has been established as part of a concerted effort to enhance the understanding of, and respect for, human rights issues and to ensure the appropriate recognition of human rights in the legislative process. ...The second piece of correspondence is from the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples and asks the committee to examine the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bills. ... "
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UnitingJustice - 20 June 2012 - Human rights check is a vital step towards dignity for Indigenous Australians
"The Uniting Church in Australia has welcomed the call by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights to investigate the proposed Stronger Futures legislation. The National Director of UnitingJustice, Rev. Elenie Poulos, said that without amendment the legislation risks damaging another generation of the First Peoples and fails to uphold their rights. "The Stronger Futures legislation will see the discriminatory measures of the Intervention extended by up to a decade," said Rev. Poulos."
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Greens Senator Siewert - 20 June 2012 - Human rights examination of parenting and intervention laws is an important step
... Senator Siewert has also welcomed news that the joint committee has asked Minister Jenny Macklin to advise them on the compatibility of the Stronger Futures legislation with Australia’s human rights obligations. ..."Widespread concerns have been raised about the Intervention and the consultation processes that have been undertaken as part of Stronger Futures. "This is especially true in regards to programs such as income management and SEAM, which could have discriminatory impacts on Aboriginal people. "The Attorney General has the capacity to ask the Joint Committee on Human Rights to examine the Stronger Futures package and the Greens have written to Ms Roxon asking for this to occur, a process we regard as essential," Senator Siewert concluded."
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Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service - 18 June 2012 - Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service calls for human rights scrutiny on income management national rollout
"The Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) has called on Attorney-General Nicola Roxon to refer the Stronger Futures and Social Security Legislation Amendment Bills to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights.
With both Bills expected to pass through the Senate today, VALS CEO, Wayne Muir, is concerned that without the Committee’s application of human rights scrutiny to these Bills, the measures contained within them are destined to fail Government and the community. "Today represents a missed opportunity for Government to display strong commitment to human rights in Australia. VALS has joined others in calling on the Attorney-General to utilise her powers of referral to the Committee. Those calls have gone unanswered,' said Mr Muir. In correspondence with the Attorney-General, Mr Muir has also noted the lack of evidence warranting the nation-wide rollout of income management. ... "
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National Congress of Australia's First Peoples - 15 June 2012 - Request that the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights examine the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bills (2011):
"We write to you on behalf of The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples (Congress) to request that the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights examine the Stronger Futures in theNorthern Territory Bills (2011).
Congress recommends examination of the Bills for compatibility with human rights under Section 7(a) of the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act (2011) and to report on that issue prior to further debate or enactment of the Bills. In the event the Bills pass into law without scrutiny, Congress requests the Committee examine the consequent legislation in accordance with Section 7(b) of the Act. ..."
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Greens MPs - 23 May 2012 - Greens seek further scrutiny for NT Intervention
"The Australian Greens will ask Attorney General Nicola Roxon to refer the Stronger Futures legislation package to the newly established Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. "Stronger Futures, the legislation being used to extend the NT Intervention, was introduced before the joint committee was finalised, meaning the legislation will not be automatically scrutinised and does not need to include a human rights statement," Senator Siewert said today. "However, terms of reference for the committee allows it to investigate any matter relating to human rights upon referral from the Attorney-General. "Widespread concerns have been raised about the Intervention and the consultation processes that have been undertaken as part of Stronger Futures. ..."
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Human Rights Law Centre - 22 May 2012 - Matilda Bogner, UN Human Rights Office: NT intervention law must comply with Australia’s human rights obligations
“There is a path that the Government can take to reassure its critics that it wants the Stronger Futures legislation to comply with human rights standards. Putting it up for review by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights would be a strong signal,” writes Matilda Bogner, UN Human Rights Office Regional Representative in the Pacific. Concerns regarding the Australian Federal Government’s interventions in the Northern Territory, dating back to 2007, have been expressed loudly and repeated by affected indigenous communities and their supporters, the international human rights system, and international and domestic human rights groups...."
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Statement of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegations to the United Nations - 16 May 2012 - Australia challenged at United Nations over NT laws:
The United Nations has heard significant criticisms from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander delegations over race-based laws currently being considered by the Australian Government.
The delegations are rejecting the argument of the Australian Government that the race laws are 'special measures' and are therefore not racially discriminatory. ...
The government promised in 2010 that all new laws introduced into the Parliament would be examined to ensure compliance with Australia’s international human rights obligations.
However the government is refusing to respond to calls for scrutiny of the Bills or to be accountable for introducing these race-based laws.
Times have changed, and it is time for the Australian Government to ‘move on’. ... "
"Statement issued by:
* National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples
* Secretariat of the National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Agencies
* National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services
* National Native Title Council
* National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations"
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National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples - 4 May 2012 - Stop, Listen & Test NT Laws for Human Rights violations
"Congress says Govt should stop, listen and test NT laws for human rights violations.
Congress says it will continue to oppose new Intervention laws because they have not been tested for human rights violations as part of its on-going support to Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory. Congress Co-Chairs Jody Broun and Les Malezer said more Aboriginal people are calling for the laws before Parliament to be scrapped, most recently the Yolgnu Nations Assembly, which represents 8000 traditional owners in west, central and east Arnhem Land. ... "This is a strong and simple message to the Government that these laws must be independently reviewed to ensure they do not breach human rights standards and international obligations. "The Government has 'willful deafness' on such a fundamental issue, even after critical reports on the Intervention by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur for Indigenous Peoples. ... " [said Mr Malezer] "
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National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples - 8 February 2012 - New NT Laws must comply with Human Rights obligations
"The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples (Congress) says the bills to continue the Intervention in the Northern Territory must be withdrawn and reintroduced so they will be subject to the same human rights scrutiny as other bills. The Congress Co-Chairs say the bills were originally tabled before the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act passed late last year and cannot be debated without being subject to those conditions. "We are concerned that key provisions of these bills may be in contravention of the Federal Government’s human rights obligations," said Congress Co-Chair, Les Malezer. ..."
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ANTaR Victoria - Abandon the Stronger Futures legislation
"ANTaR Victoria urges the Senate not to pass the Stronger Futures legislation. We are opposed to this legislation and call upon Government to abandon it for the following reasons:
Statements from Aboriginal people affected who oppose it and the NT Emergency Response ...
Concern that land rights are being undermined as a consequence of this legislation ...
The legislation negates self-determination ...
The legislation is not going to be reviewed prior to the upcoming Senate vote as to whether it is compatible with human rights norms
While a Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights has recently been established, this valuable process has come into effect too late for the Stronger Futures legislation to be reviewed for its compatibility with human rights norms. In light of the many concerns raised in relation to the Northern Territory Emergency Response (NTER) legislation and some aspects of the Stronger Futures legislation by human rights monitors, such a review is crucial."
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News Articles
National Indigenous Radio Service - 6 July 12 - Amnesty to continue fight against Stronger Futures
"A peak international human rights group says it'll continue its campaign against the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory legislation despite it passing Federal Parliament. Amnesty International's Manager for Indigenous Rights Monica Morgan says the legislation is a punitive measure and the policies are not based on credible evidence. She says the consultation process was too brief and was rushed through Parliament without the human rights scrutiny it should have received...."
Tracker - 29 June 12 - Stronger Futures is a "war on democracy": Gondarra
"NATIONAL: A respected Yolngu leader has slammed both major parties for passing the Stronger Futures laws, stating they have both "stolen the authority and responsibility of Aboriginal people" and started a "war on democracy". ... "By not subjecting the Bills to scrutiny under the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, the government has missed its opportunity to respect the rights of Aboriginal Peoples in the NT, leaving the people who will bear the brunt of these policies under continued Government control for the next decade." [said Monica Morgan, Manager of Amnesty International’s Indigenous Rights Program] "
Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association - 28 June 12 - - Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians'
"The Senate is due to vote on the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill any day now. The Stronger Futures legislation has been labeled by many as a continuation in the Northern Territory intervention and a large number of people have been expressing concern about the Stronger Futures Bill... with a loud voice calling for the Bill to be examined by the newly created Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. The National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples has requested this formally in a letter to the human rights committee...and the committee’s chair Harry Jenkins raised this letter and the request with Ms Macklin last week."
ABC The Drum Opinion - 27 June 12 - Who's afraid of human rights?
"Human rights form part of the democratic process and serve to strengthen a democracy, demanding transparency in the legislative process and calling into account elected representatives when their political judgement falls short of expectations demanded by their citizens. ... Some days later a second group, the National Congress of Australia's First People, called on the committee to establish an inquiry into Stronger Futures legislation currently before the Senate. ... It's a sign of a robust democracy when civil society is given the opportunity to question draft legislation ... " Emilija Beljic, National Research Officer at St Vincent de Paul Society National Council office
Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association - 26 June 12 - CAAMA Radio Online News 26.06.12
"An Australian human rights campaigner has strengthened the call for the Stronger Futures Bill to be examined against Australia’s human rights obligations... warning if the Government does not comply with the request for this to happen, Australia can only be viewed in a negative way internationally."
Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association - 25 June 12 -
Graeme Mundine on Stronger Futures Bills which are before the Senate this week
"A respected Aboriginal Catholic leader has warned the relationship Governments have with Aboriginal people will be set back decades if the Stronger Futures Bill is voted on favourably in the Senate. The Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory Bill has been labelled as a continuation of the Northern Territory Intervention... Executive Director of the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry and Bundjalung man Graeme Mundine was among those who presented a petition against the Stronger Futures bill to the Parliament last week. ... He says at the very least, the bill should go to the new Human Rights Committee... to look at the human rights implacations, and whether it fits within the Government’s own standards of dealing with people throughout the country."
National Indigenous Radio Service - 25 May 12 - Greens call for human rights scrutiny of Stronger Futures
"The Australian Greens Indigenous Affairs Spokesperson Rachel Siewert is calling for a human rights review of the extension of the Northern Territory Intervention via the Federal Government's Stronger Futures legislation. ... "A lot of people see Stronger Futures for what it is, which is an extension of that discriminatory approach. "But because it was introduced just before the Joint Committee on Human Rights got started in Parliament, it didn't get referred to that Committee. ... "Therefore, many of us believe it should be referred to that committee."
Tracker - 24 May 12 - Intervention laws need scrutiny: Gooda
"NATIONAL: Social Justice Commissioner Mick Gooda says the federal government should subject its legislation extending the Northern Territory intervention to scrutiny by a new human rights committee. The United Nations this week challenged Labor to refer its Stronger Futures laws to the parliamentary joint committee on human rights. The legislation, currently before the Senate, was introduced to parliament before the committee was set up late last year. But Mr Gooda, the government’s Indigenous social justice commissioner, says the draft laws should be reviewed as a matter of urgency before they are passed...."
The Age - 23 May 12 - NT laws 'need rights testing'
"A SENIOR UN official has called on the Australian government to subject its proposals for an extension of the federal intervention in the Northern Territory to scrutiny by a newly formed parliamentary committee on human rights. ... Under laws that took effect in January, all government legislation must be examined by a parliamentary committee on human rights, which examines whether the proposals comply with Australia's international human rights obligations. However the so-called ''Stronger Futures'' proposals are not subject to this requirement because the bills were introduced in November."
Tracker - 23 May 12 - UN urges scrutiny of intervention laws
"NATIONAL: The United Nations has challenged the Australian government to subject its Stronger Futures laws, which would continue the Northern Territory intervention in remote Indigenous communities, to scrutiny against its human rights obligations. ... The legislation is before the Senate and was introduced to parliament before the committee was set up late last year. "Putting it up for review by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights would be a strong signal that the government is committed to bringing it fully in line with its human rights obligations," Ms Bogner wrote ... "
9 News - 22 May 12 - UN urges more scrutiny of Aboriginal laws
"The United Nations has challenged Australia to pit its planned laws to boost indigenous advancement in the Northern Territory against its wider human rights obligations. That task would help sure mistakes of the past were not repeated, the UN said. ... The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Pacific representative Matilda Bogner has called on Labor to allow a new parliamentary committee on human rights to review the draft laws. ..."
ABC PM - 18 May 12 - Extension of NT Intervention in breach of human rights: UN
"The United Nations has heard that Australia is breaching its human rights obligations by moving to extend the Intervention in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities. The chairman of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples says it's a major disappointment that the Government is extending laws for another 10 years, without the consent of the people concerned. Les Malezer says the laws are racist. ... " "LES MALEZER: The major disappointment has been the decision of the Government to extend the Northern Territory Intervention laws for another 10 years without the consent of the people's concerned and without subjecting the proposed new laws to scrutiny against Australia's human rights obligations as a member of the United Nations."
The Age - 17 May 12 - Stronger Futures laws slammed at UN
"An Aboriginal leader has taken the fight against the federal government's continuation of the Northern Territory intervention to the United Nations. The chairman of the National Congress of Australia's First People, Les Malezer, spoke at the UN permanent forum on indigenous issues in New York this week, where he criticised the proposed 10-year extension of the intervention. ... "However, the government is refusing to respond to calls for scrutiny of the bills or to be accountable for introducing these race-based laws." [Mr Malezer said] " Lisa Martin>