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In the Absence of Treaty

'concerned Australians'


This book explores the current inadequacy of the process used in engaging with Aboriginal people, which results in control slipping away from them. It provides concise but incisive account from recent reports about the reasons for the ongoing and growing frustration of many Aboriginal people in the NT. In doing so it hints at possibly the only solution - treaties.


Book review by The Hon Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC: please click here


For further information about "In the Absence of Treaty": please click here


The Wire - New book offers counter narrative to govt's Indigenous policies - Tuesday, 6 November 2012

6 November 2012

A Decision to Discriminate:
Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory

Jeff McMullen, Sekai Holland and Graeme Mundine at the Sydney launch of A Decision to Discriminate

A large crowd gathered in Glebe on Monday night to launch the latest book from ‘concerned Australians’ A Decision to Discriminate: Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territory.Jeff McMullen, Graeme Mundine (for his speech: click here) and Barbara Shaw all gave very moving talks about the impact of the NT Intervention and the importance of this book.

We were also honoured that Senator Sekai Holland, Co-Minister for Reconciliation, Healing and Integration in Zimbabwe attended the launch and contributed her insight and observations about what she heard. Senator Holland’s powerful words cut to the core of what people were expressing about the progress of Indigenous rights in Australia particularly since the 1967 referendum.

A Decision to Discriminate: Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territoryallows us an insight into what Aboriginal people in the NT are saying to Government about their experiences of the Intervention and their opinions of the recently introduced extension “Stronger Futures”. The book highlights the fact that a wide range of Aboriginal people and organisations have clearly stated to Government that they are not happy with the Intervention and do not want ‘Stronger Futures”, yet the legislation has been introduced.

The book, edited by Michele Harris, clearly sets out the background to Stronger Futures and the Senate inquiry from which the transcripts are drawn. Harris, has comprehensively organised the book around themes allowing the reader to gain a good insight into a cross-section of issues and experiences. It’s an easy read with profound insights.

A Decision to Discriminate: Aboriginal Disempowerment in the Northern Territorytogether with previous publications from ‘concerned Australians’ NT Consultations 2011: By Quotations, Walk With Us and This is What We Said, provides evidence of sustained and comprehensive opposition to the relentless imposition of a ideologically driven agenda. An agenda that not only fails to value Aboriginal culture and Law but also fails to recognise Aboriginal people as agents of change who have the ability to create and implement solutions to create the kind of stronger futures that they aspire to.

This book is a must read for all Australians. It is available to purchase from concerned Australians

Also, please note the launches in other States and Territories

Melbourne – 7 November 2012, 12pm for 12.30pm

Canberra – 13 November, 5:30pm

Murray Bridge – 16 November, 7pm

Adelaide – 9 December (To mark International Human Right’s Day)

Details at




Reproduced with kind permission of Gabrielle Russell-Mundine.