Posted with kind permission of The Point, NITV, Rachael Hocking, 24th June 2020
Stand for Freedom - Jeff McMullen
Stand for Freedom - Jeff McMullen on Vimeo.
This video is an excerpt from the "Our Generation" screening in Sydney at the Customs House on Sunday, 6.05.2012. Jeff McMullen talks about the urgent need to join the "Stand for Freedom" campaign against the "Stronger Futures" policy.
To view the complete speech please clicke here
This screening was part of the 30th Greek Festival of Sydney (
For more information please visit:
"Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention"
Exhibition at the The Cross Art Projects (from 7 June to 14 July 2012).
Ghost Citizens: Witnessing the Intervention on Vimeo.
This video presents excerpts from a talk on Saturday 23 June.
- Jo Holder, Director of The Cross Arts Project
- Djon Mundine, Curator of the exhibition
- Paddy Gibson, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney
- Eva Cox, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning, University of Technology Sydney
For more information about the exhibition please visit
Australia's review by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has just wrapped up!
7 June 2012
The webcast of the Review will be made available from in a few weeks for those of you who missed it or want to see it again. You can also read about what happened and what issues were raised by the UN Committee by visiting our youth reporter, Janani’s blog at
People are not the property of people; the Northern Territory is a prison built brick by brick by the Commonwealth
By Gerry Georgatos - 20 May 2012
...Healing is a major step in the intervention of trauma, however as a society legislatively we need to move to prevention, in that we reduce, preferably eliminate, hard traumas from the social conditions imposed on many folk by the State, for instance indeed with the Emergency Response Actions in the Northern Territory ...The Northern Territory Intervention and Stronger Futures are custodial predicaments and hence the premise to the arguments by many that they are racist occurrences. Statistics indicate that everything since the Military Emergency Response in the Northern Territory have got worse and not better...An Elder said to me, "We are not boss of our people, we are not boss of us, our ways are looked down and young people and rich people come in here and tell us we are nothing, we are no good and that they know better." Another Elder said, “They tell us all these things that have happened in our town that we never saw happen not till they came and told us so. There were not these bad things they said but now there are. Our people are getting sick because of them and our young don’t care anymore. They have come here and caused so much trouble.” And another Elder said, “They keep us poor for so long, no electricity, no nothing, houses they would not live in, they always refused us funding for anything we applied for and now they come here to show us like we are children how to do what they never gave us a chance to do.” And another Elder said, “They are killing our children, look at our suicides, the numbers make the heart cry, can they not see what they have done? They are not doing any good just bad.” And another Elder said, “They want our land, and they take it, they move our people to prisons inside prisons. All Northern Territory is a prison, and the towns prison in prison.” The Aboriginal population of the Northern Territory is 80,000 out of a total population of 230,000, and therefore comprises just shy of 30% of the total population, however Aboriginal peoples make up 84% of the total prison population of the Northern Territory – the Northern Territory’s Aboriginal peoples are the world’s most incarcerated peoples. The Emergency Response has been not only a total failure, however an abject disaster with a litany of youth suicides, community breakdown, increasing youth unemployment, trauma and multiple traumas...
NT Intervention - Stronger Futures
Sunday, 21 June 2015 - 3pm
Sydney Town Hall
Uncle Albert Hartnett, a Wangkumurra man with first-hand experience of child removal
Ken Canning, Murri writer and poet from the Kunja Clan of the Bidjira Nation
Kyol Blakeney, a Kamilaroi man and Sydney University SRC president
Eva Cox, Research Fellow at Jumbunna, Indigenous House of Learning at UTS
Gerry Georgatos, human rights and social justice campaigner. Editor of The Stringer.
For the flyer to print in A5: please click here
For the flyer in A4: please click here
More details: please click here
Terrific report back from Paddy Gibson on the effects of current government policies on First Nations Peoples communities on
Monday, 20 April: please click here
More info, page 8: please click here