- Join us on the 18th July in Sydney as we celebrate the historic win at James Price Point, and hear from those who are fighting for their Arnhem Land sea country.
Kimberley Celebration
July 18th, 6.30pm @ GT Hotel (Previously the Gaelic Club)
You are invited to attend an evening of music and dance to celebrate the extraordinary Kimberley region, and the people who came together to save it from a destructive gas hub development.
Featuring: Traditional Arnhem Land Dancers , Gambirra, The Barefoot Band [Feat. Benjamin Goldstein, The Rhythm Hunters…Plus hear from Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land speaking about the battle to save their sea country from American resources giant Paltar Petroleum. For further information visit our webpage. or contact Kaine Johnson. If you want to help out, contact our amazing Events Coordinator Stephanie for ways to get involved!
Arnhem Land Traditional Owners in Sydney
July 17-19th
Protest Action @ Paltar HQ 12pm July 19 + Kimberley Celebration Presentation
5 Amazing Traditional Owners from Arnhem Land are coming to Sydney to raise awareness and garner support on their mission to stop Paltar Petroleum from drilling in their sea country, just off the coast of the Northern Territory. We’re lucky to have them at speak at the Kimberley celebration on the 18th, and then on the Friday afterwards, we’ll be gathering outside Paltar HQ in Martin Place sending the message that the Wilderness Society supports the TOs, rejects Paltar’s attempts to drill offshore and get media attention on the issue.
COME ALONG AND SUPPORT at both the Kimberley Celebration and the action.
Source: https://www.wilderness.org.au/campaigns/kimberley/celebrate-the-kimberley
Traditional owners seek your assistance to save Arnhem land from oil and gas companies - 9 July 2013
Traditional Owners and the Protect Arnhem Land community campaign (based in Maningrida) are seeking the assistance of environment groups and Indigenous networks in Sydney to help raise awareness of the threat to Arnhem Land from oil and gas exploration.
Five traditional owners are travelling from Maningrida to Sydney in mid July and will hold a public event in Martin Place outside the offices of Paltar Petroleum at midday on Friday 19 July. ...
Tracker - Jeff McMullen - THE WAY AHEAD: The new land grab - 18 June 2013
...what really is driving policies such as the Northern Territory Intervention and the extraordinary social engineering to control Aboriginal people still living on traditional lands....
Some Jabirr Jabirr elders signed off on the promise of a $1.5 billion dollar benefits package planned to last for decades but others, especially Goolarabooloo people, always opposed the construction on their lands of the largest industrial complex ever envisaged in the southern hemisphere.
Woodside’s decision not to go ahead with the $40 billion dollar gas complex on the coast was largely a response to market issues and technological risks with an on shore facility, highlighted constantly by a fierce Aboriginal resistance to the trampling of their land rights. In this case, clearly the mining companies and the State Government circumvented most of the usual Native Title processes. This is the distressing pattern of neo-liberal development.
While the giant machines scrape the red dirt country like scenes from the movie Avatar and the foreign ships line up around our shores for iron ore, bauxite, coal and uranium, so far there is little evidence that mining has eased the disadvantage of Australia’s half a million Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. ...
James Price Point – victory or loss? by Sara Burnside -
article in special mining issue 124 of Arena Magazine on the debates surrounding the proposed (and seemingly doomed) gas hub at James Price Point
ABC News - Locals concerned over NLC fracking 'push' - 23 April 2013
Indigenous residents in the Mataranka and the Roper region are accusing the Northern Land Council of encouraging the approval of oil and gas exploration on their land.....
WGAR News: Arnhem Land Traditional Owners call for an end to fracking: The Stringer - 22 March 2013
ABC News - Traditional owners burn Arnhem Land fracking plan - 18 March 2013
Arnhem Land traditional owners have decided to paint a petition to send to Darwin and Canberra calling on the Northern Territory and Federal governments not to allow their country to be fracked.
More than 80 per cent of the Northern Territory is now under application for unconventional oil and gas exploration, including most of Arnhem Land. ...
Lateline Business - Northern Land Council wants fracking halt - 14 November 2011
The Northern Land Council is calling for more research on hydraulic fracturing for gas extraction before the Territory Government gives any fracking permits.
ABC Radio National -
The Indigenous landowners of Arnhem Land are calling on the Northern Territory and federal governments to ban fracking in the area by Paltar Petroleum. But while traditional owners can legally veto plans to frack on land, they have no rights over the sea.